Category: Uncategorized

New member of the Likvor team

Kim Isaksson is recruited to the Likvor team and he started on 1 September 2015. Former workplace was Textor AB who is specialized in manufacturing of advanced manufacturing solutions in stainless steel for the Life Science industry, world wide. Kim is an engineer and he will be responsible for development and maintenance of the Likvor products […]

Recruiting: New Engineer to Likvor

Likvor recruits: We are looking for an engineer to our company. Please contact us if this sounds interesting. Contact:   Recruiting ad in Swedish: "Rekryteringsannons" Likvor förstärker teamet: Vi söker en ingenjör ansvarig för vår hårdvara Likvor AB är ett litet medtech bolag som tagit fram ett system som mäter och kartlägger likvordynamiken dvs […]

New CELDA Protocol

We are proud to present our new software version ready to be downloaded from December 2014! You will find several improvements as well as a new, infusion protocol, with reduced time for investigation and new pulsatility measurements.